The Outdoor CarCapsule - Better Than a Garage?
7th Jun 2015
You might have a favorite car that has to sleep outside as no garage space is available. No enclosed shelter - no good. You might even put off buying a classic as there is nowhere to house it at your home. What are your options? Maybe you have an area outside where you can park it, but the limited protection of a car cover isn't appealing. So, how about building a garage? Or maybe you could just rent a storage unit?
A garage is a sanctuary. It protects your vehicle, it's an escape to solitude, and you can put up artwork your significant other won't allow in the house. However, it can also be an expensive proposition, and you need to be sure neighborhood associations and the county in which you live will allow construction. You say you have the required space to build, and there aren't any problems with neighborhood or county codes and covenants? Great! Now, let's look at the cost to build the garage. A basic way to estimate the cost of building a detached garage is to multiply the desired square footage by a typical construction cost of $30 to $40 per square foot - which is the average cost for having a contractor build a basic one story garage. A typical one car garage measures 12' x 22', which equates to 280 square feet. At that size the construction costs would run about $7,920-$10,560. An average 2 car garage is about 20' x 22', which equates to 440 square feet and about $13,200-$17,600 to build.
Another option is renting a car storage unit. This can be at a dedicated car storage facility (which is kind of like a kennel for your car), or a public storage/self-storage. Depending where you live, costs can typically run about $50.00 per month in rural areas, to $160.00 (or more) per month in metro areas. So, yearly storage costs could run around $600 to $1,920. The bright side: you've got a roof over your car's head. The downside: expense. Initially, it could be a heck of a lot less money than a garage, but in the long run will exceed the cost of the garage. Plus, the vehicle isn't at your home - quick and easy access is limited.
Another outdoor storage option is the Outdoor CarCapsule. The CarCapsule can actually protect the vehicle better than a garage in some situations. It seals the vehicle away from dirt and dust, which a garage can't. It provides a cushioned barrier all around the vehicle to protect it from dings. Of course, if a huge tree falls the garage would probably be a better thing... The CarCapsule will also seal the car away from rodents and other pests. A garage can keep cats from climbing around on your vehicle, but it can't keep mice away. The CarCapsule can allow you to store your car where you live, and you can easily move it if necessary. Plus, you aren't limited by garage space; add a CarCapsule for each extra car you want to store.
Now for perhaps the best part - less expense. A 20' Outdoor CarCapsule allows you to store your car at a total cost of $699. Compare that to the $7,920-$10,560 of a one car garage. In the case of the $600 to $1,920 storage facility expense, the CarCapsule would pay for itself within 4 to 14 months. Then it's free and clear.
So, go ahead and shelter that car!