
Linda Fleishmann Loves Her ShowCase and CarCapsule Customer Service!

4th Aug 2015


We recently interviewed ShowCase owner Linda Fleishmann about her ownership experience. She is definitely a fan!

Q: How long have has your ShowCase been in service?
A: I started using it in May of 2015

Q: What vehicle is in the capsule?
A: It’s a blue 1967 Chevrolet Caprice. Its name is Baby Blue.

Q: What engine is in it?
A: It has a 327 with a Powerglide transmission

Q: Tell me more about the car
A: It’s all original, I’m the second owner, and it has only 28,000 miles. I found it while searching on Google. Actually, I was looking for parts for another car and came across it. It was in Pennsylvania and I hired someone to check it out. Then I had it trucked to Iowa.

Q: How did you hear about CarCapsule?
A: Google once again! The car was on the way and I started looking for car covers. I found many different covers, but then I came across the ShowCase. I really liked the idea that it didn’t touch the paint like car covers do. So it wouldn’t leave any swirls or scratches. Plus mice wouldn’t be able to get to the car. I couldn’t find any reviews, but I found the ShowCase video on YouTube. I bought my ShowCase sight unseen.

Q: Where and how do you use your ShowCase?
A: I use it in a detached garage. I just pull the car in, zip it up, and walk away.

Q: What was the main reason you purchased your ShowCase?
A: So, I don’t have to clean the car in order to put it away. A car cover would grind and dirt and dust into the paint. The ShowCase doesn’t care if the car is dirty. That’s the big benefit.

Q: What do you feel ShowCase best protects against in your situation?
A: I feel it protects best against accidental scratches. For example bicycles won’t fall against the car, and it protects against kids accidentally hitting the car as they take things out of the garage.

Q: Do you ever take your Capsule with, and use it while away from home?
A: No, but I was using the ShowCase in a different garage, and when I needed to move it to the current garage it was very easy to transport. It deflated great, and I could reset it up in about 5-10 minutes.

Q: Have you ever used your capsule for another use, besides storing/protecting your vehicle?
A: No, but it would be great if you came out with a portable green house that was based on the ShowCase. Here in the Mid-West we need green houses in the early spring and late fall. It could be used just during those times, and then be easily taken down and stored away.

Q: Have you had any problems with your ShowCase?
A: I had a warranty issue with the fan motor. CarCapsule told me they had some problems with early production fans. They shipped parts by overnight delivery to fix it. Customer service is frigging amazing – fantastic to deal with!

Q: Overall, how do you feel about your ShowCase?
A: It protects well with very little time investment. It’s perfect if you are lazy! Just unzip it and drive out. You don’t have to hassle with a cover. It’s the ultimate lazy man’s car cover. I think it is great for anyone who is interested in protecting their car. Not just collector cars – it’s appropriate for daily drivers too.

Q: Do you have any ideas on how the ShowCase can be improved?
A: Along with the car, I store things specific to the car in the ShowCase - like cleaning stuff, a bottle of oil, etc. It would be great to have a shelving type unit to store things on. Also, a place to store in the inflation pump would be nice.